#!/usr/bin/env python
from scipy import *
from time import time
import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
import quad
import pdb
from decimal import *
# Function definitions: -------------------------------
def initialise(ny_in,\
  global ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  global lambda_0,lambda_1
  print \

def f2(x): # used for the RHS (checking ny=0.1:0.9):
  return ff

def f(x): # was used for the RHS in all calculations in paper...:
           #   (with known solution)
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4h:
  if lx/2*2==lx: # even number
  else: # odd number
  # Using the symmetry of f(fii):
  if odd:
  #pdb.set_trace() # switch on debugger ################################
  #for i in xrange(len(x)):
  #  if isnan(ff[i]): # IMPORTANT! - to avoid nan-s!
  #    #ff[i]=-2.5707963584050351
  #    ff[i]=-2.5707996199794597
  #    print 'nan avoided at:',i,x[i],ff90[i],'repl. with quadruple now'
  #    ff[i]=ff90[i]
  if p4h:
    #doplot(abs(ff90-ff),'t','sol(fi) differences')
    #doplot(abs(ff90-ff),'t','symmetrised sol(fi) differences')
    print 'max diff between double and quadruple f(fii) is:',abs(ff90-ff).max()
    return ff90
    return ff

def known_solution(x):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4r:
  #using symmetry of sol:
  if lx/2*2==lx: # even number
  else: # odd number
  # Using the symmetry of sol:
  if odd:
    u[lx-1:lx-ll-1:-1]= u[0:ll]
  if p4r:
    print 'max diff between double and quadruple u(fii) is:',abs(uf90-u).max()
    #doplot(abs(uf90-u),'t','sol(fi) differences')
    return uf90
    return u

def a(t,s): # should return a matrix actually for better performance...
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return 1.

def b(t,s):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return 0.

# # startup funcions:
def calculate_c_star(r_0,r_1): #(24)
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  # Variant 1
  #for k in xrange(0,r_1):
  #  sign=-sign
  #  c=c+1.*sign/(r_0+k)*comb(r_1-1,k)
  #  #print 'c=',c
  #print 'old c_star-cf90:',c-cf90
  # Variant 2:
  for k in range(0,rr+1):
    if k>0 and k<r_1:
    if kk>=r_0:
  # check:
  if p4a+p4t+p4f+p4r or p4b==1:
    print '    c_star-cf90:',abs(c-cf90)
  return c

def calculate_alpha_p():
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a:
  #if m==4:
  #  alphap=zeros((m_0+m_1+1),dtype=float)
  #  alphap[0]=1.0/36.0  #-2,4
  #  alphap[1]=-5.0/18.0 #-1,4
  #  alphap[2]=3.0/2.0   # 0,4
  #  alphap[3]=alphap[1] # 1,4
  #  alphap[4]=alphap[0] # 2,4
  r_10=zeros(m_0) # roots between (-1,0)
  for i in range(len(allroots)):
    if allroots[i]>-1 and allroots[i]<0:
  ##r_10=r_10[::-1] # is this needed?
  Pm_deriv=Pm.deriv() # derivative
  for l in range(m_0): # (15) in the paper
    gamma_m[1:m_1]=gamma_m[1:m_1]+(1.0+r_10[l])*r_10[l]**(m_0+q[1:m_1]-1) \
                   / (1.0-r_10[l])**(2*q[1:m_1]+1) \
                   / Pm_deriv(r_10[l])
  for i in range(m+1):
    for j in range(absk,m_1):
  # for checking - we know the values in case of m=4:
  #if m==4:
  #  a=zeros(m+1)
  #  a[0]=1.0/36.0  #-2,4
  #  a[1]=-5.0/18.0 #-1,4
  #  a[2]=3.0/2.0   # 0,4
  #  a[3]=a[1]      # 1,4
  #  a[4]=a[0]      # 2,4
  #  print 'alphap=',alphap
  #  print 'a=',a
  #  print 'a-alphap=',a-alphap
  return alphap

def calculate_charPm():
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for i in range(2,m+1):
    fact[i]=fact[i-1]*i # contains factorials now
  for i in range(m+1):
  for i in range(m+1):
    for j in range(len(x)):
      if x[j]-i > 0.0:
  return Pm
def calculate_fii(t,r_0,r_1):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a+p4f+p4r:
  for k in xrange(1,r_1):
  if p4a+p4f+p4r:
    print '    max(abs(fi-fi_rq))',abs(ff-rf90).max()
    #doplot(abs(ff-rf90),'t','fi and fi_rq differences')
  return ff

def calculate_fii_old(t,r_0,r_1,c_star):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a+p4f+p4r:
  for k in xrange(0,r_1):
    #print k,tt[0],sign/(r_0+k),1.*sign/(r_0+k)
    #print k,sign,'ff=',ff
    if k<r_1-1:
  #print 'fiiff is:',ff
  #print 'fiiff/c_star is:',ff/c_star
  #print 'fiiff/c_star*t**r_0 is:',ff/c_star*t**r_0
  if p4a+p4f+p4r:
    print 'old max(abs(fi-fi_rq))',abs(ff-rf90).max()
  return ff

def calculate_fii_prim(t,r_0,r_1,c_star):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a+p4f:
  return t**(r_0-1)*(1-t)**(r_1-1)/c_star

def Get_PHI(t,s,r_0,r_1,fii_prim):
  import os
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if not os.path.exists('PreCalc'):
  if os.path.exists(filen):
    #if file exist, read from there
    print '  PHI read from file:',filen
    print 'Time for getting PHI (in Python)',tim
    return PHI1.reshape((idim,jdim))
    #otherwise calculate and save the result
    print '  PHI written to file:',filen
    print 'Time for calculating PHI (in Python)',tim
    return PHI

def calculate_PHI(t,s,r_0,r_1,fii_prim): # (66)
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a:
  # calculate the factorials.
  den12=ones(r_01) # these are for the first two denominators
  for p in range(1,r_01):
  mult=ones(rr) # (r_0+r_1-1)!/(p+q+1)!
  for i in range(rr-2,0,-1):
  # find the coefficients
  for p in range(r_0):
    for q in range(r_1):
  # Calculate t1p powers:
  for q in range(r_1-2,-1,-1):
  # s[j] powers
  for p in range(r_0-2,-1,-1):
  # version with reordered loops:
  for i in xrange(idim):
    #for j in xrange(i):
    for k in xrange(1,r_0+r_1):
    for p in range(r_0):
      for q in range(r_1):
        r_2[i,0:i]=r_2[i,0:i]+ff[p,q]*sp[p,0:i]*  \
  if p4a:
    print '    max(abs(PHI-PHI_rq))',abs(r_2-rf90).max()
    #, ' achieved at',abs(r-rf90).argmax(64)
    #plot3d(abs(r-rf90),'PHI and PHI_rq differences')
    #for i in range(idim):
    #  r2[i,i]=0.0
    #  rf902[i,i]=0.0
    #print 'new offdiagonal max(abs(PHI-PHI_rq))',abs(r2-rf902).max()
  return r_2

def calculate_PHI_old(t,s,fii,fii_prim):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a:
  for i in xrange(idim):
    for j in xrange(jdim):
      if i==j:
        if r[i,j]<0.: # IMPORTANT! to avoid nan-s in Acurly calculations...
          #print "FII<0: FII,fii_i, fii_j, t_i, s_j:",r[i,j],fii[i],fii[j],t[i],s[j]
  print 'Time for calculating old PHI (in Python)',tim
  if p4a:
    print 'old max(abs(PHI-PHI_rq))',abs(r-rf90).max()
    #plot3d(abs(r-rf90),'PHI and PHI_rq differences')
    #for i in range(idim):
    #  r2[i,i]=0.0
    #  rf902[i,i]=0.0
    #print 'old offdiagonal max(abs(PHI-PHI_rq))',abs(r2-rf902).max()
  return r

def Calculate_Dm_gamjt():
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4b==1:
    #print 'gam90:',gam90
    return gam90
  elif p4b>1:
    #print 'dec_gamjt=',dec_gamjt
    #print 'dec_gg=',dec_gg
    #for i in xrange(lenn):
    #  tmp=abs(dec_gg[i]-Decimal(str(gam90[i])))
    #  if (tmp):
    #    mx=tmp
    #print 'max diff between ',p4b,' and 4-fould Delta(gamjt) is:',mx
    for i in xrange(lenn):
    #print 'gg:',gg
    return gg
    #print 'gamjt=',gamjt
    #if p4b:
    #  print 'max diff between 2 and 4-fould Delta(gamjt) is:' \
    #         ,abs(gam90-gg).max()
    #  return gam90
    return gg

def calculate_Acurly(t,s,fii,PHI,fii_prim): # (27)
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b,lambda_0,lambda_1
  if p4a:
  for i in xrange(idim):
  if p4a:
    print 'max diff between double and quadruple Acurly is:',abs(rf90-r).max()
    #return rf90
    return r
    return r

def calculate_Bcurly(t,s,fii,fii_prim):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for i in xrange(idim):
  return r

def Calculate_D2(w): # Calculate derivative of matrix on 2nd index
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for j in xrange(jdim):
  #print 'D2w is:',Dw
  return Dw

def Calculate_D2_m(w):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for i in range(m):
  return w

def Calculate_D1(w): # Calculate difference of vector
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for j in xrange(dim):
  return Dw

def Calculate_D1_m(w):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for i in range(m):
  return w

def Decimal_D1_m(w):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for i in range(m):
    for j in xrange(dim):
  return w

def Calculate_Delta_jm(w):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for k in range(m+1):
    for j in range(jdim-m):
  return Dw

def Calculate_gamjt():
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return g

def Decimal_gamjt():
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if ny==0.5:
    jjj=arange(n+1) # integer sequence
    g=[Decimal(1)]*(n+1) # Decimal ones
    for i in range(m/2+1):
    for i in range(m/2+1,n+1):
    return g
    print 'ERROR: Decimal_gamjt written only for ny=0.5'

def Get_beta_ij(ii,jjm):
  import os
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if not os.path.exists('PreCalc'):
  if os.path.exists(filen):
    #if file exist, read from there
    print '  beta_ij read from file:',filen
    return beta_ij1.reshape((len(ii),len(jjm)-m))
    #otherwise calculate and save the result
    print '  beta_ij written to file:',filen
    return beta_ij

def Calculate_beta_ij(ii,jjm): # (54)
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4a:
    # Do the calculations in intel f90 through quadruple precision:
    #print 'Py: g1:',g1
    #print 'ggf90:',ggf90
  for k in range(1,m): # 1,2,...,m-1
  if p0b:
    if p4b:
    # Prepare the multiplier for the row 1 and 4:
    for k in range(1,m): # 1,2,...,m-1
    for j in xrange(ggjdim):
      if jjm[j]<0: # 1st row
        for k in range(m): # 0,1,...,m-1
      elif jjm[j]>n: # 4th row
        for k in range(m): # 0,1,...,m-1
        for i in xrange(idim):
          if jjm[j]<ii[i]+m/2.: # 2nd row
            for k in range(1,m+1): # 1,2,...,m
          else: # 3rd row
            for k in range(1,m+1): # 1,2,...,m
    # Now do the checking:
    #print 'ggf90=',ggf90
    #print 'gg=',gg
    #for i in xrange(len(ii)):
    #  for j in xrange(len(jjm)-m):
    #    print 'i,j,beta_ij:',i,j,gg[i,j]
  if p0b:
    ggg[:,:m-1]=gg[:,:m-1] # left m_1 columns - need to be calculated!!!
  #pdb.set_trace() # switch on debugger ################################
  ggg[::-1,:n-1:-1]=ggg[:,:m-1] #upside-down sym.with right m_1 cols
  #  for comment  :  (Reversing an array can be done by: a[::-1])
  #                  (a[len(a)-1:-1:-1] is wrong!)
  ## the placement rule is: ggg[i,j]=,bet0jt[abs(i-j+(m_1-m_0))]
  # the placement rule is: ggg[i,j]=,bet0jt[abs(i-j+(m-1-m_0))]
  #     for all i and m-1 <= j <= n+1
  #         and abs(i-j+(m-1-m_0)) <= n-m
  # Let's try to do it by vector operations:
  # place the beta_{0j} to it's location.
  #   note that in our indexing, beta_{0j} in the paper corresponds to
  #     beta_{0+m_0,j+m_1}
  # by symmetry, add also the column down (without the first el.) :
  # row(s) above (with the move to the left and shrinking)
  for i in xrange(1,m_0+1):
  # the corner element(s) not repr (need to be calculated!!!):
  #                        forming at bottom left first
  if p0b:
    # the same to up right by symmetry:
  #pdb.set_trace() # switch on debugger ################################
  # now, under row m_0, the same vector is given with a shift to the right
  #   (length) shrinking correspondingly
  #pdb.set_trace() # switch on debugger ################################
  for i in xrange(1,n-m+1):
    #print 'aaa',m_0+i,',',arange(m-1+i,n),'=',arange(0,n-m+1-i)
    # and by symmetry, add also the coulmn down:
    #print 'bbb',arange(m_0+1+i,idim),',',m-1+i,'=',arange(m_0+i,idim-1),',',m-1+i-1
    # and by symm the missing part up on first rows:
    if i<m_0:
      #print '555',arange(m_0-1-i,-1,-1),',',n-1-i,'=',arange(idim-m_0,idim-i),',',m-1
  #print 'ggg=',ggg
  if p0b and p4b:
    #for i in xrange(len(ii)):
    #  for j in xrange(len(jjm)-m):
    #    print 'i,j,beta_ij:',i,j,abs(ggg[i,j]-gg[i,j])
    print 'max diff between double beta_ij and new one is:', \
  if p4a and p4b:
    print 'max diff between double and quadruple beta_ij is:',abs(ggf90-ggg).max()
    #return ggf90
    return ggg
  elif p4a:
    print 'max diff between new  and quadruple beta_ij is:',abs(ggf90-ggg).max()
    return ggf90
  elif p4b:
    return ggg
    return gg

def Calculate_gamma_j0(jjm):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for i in xrange(dim):
    if jjm[i]>n:
    elif jjm[i]>=0:
  return g      

def Calculate_tau(alpha_p,beta_ij,a_ij,beta_j0,b_ij): # (49)
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  if p4t:
    # Do the calculations in intel f90 through quadruple precision:
    #print 'tauf90=',tauf90
  for k in xrange(dim):
    for j in range(k,k+2*(m_1-1)+1):
  #print 'tau=',tau
  if p4t:
    print 'max diff between double and quadruple tau is:',abs(tauf90-tau).max()
    return tauf90
    return tau

def L2Norm(x):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return sqrt(sum(x*x))

def WeightedNorm(x,t):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return ((t*(1.-t))**1.5*x).max()
  #return max((t*(1.-t))**1.5*x)

def FiiPrimNorm(fii_prim,x):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return (fii_prim*x).max()

def FiiPrimNyNorm(fii_prim,x):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  return (fii_prim**ny*x).max()

def Calculate_phi_inverse(x,eps,r_0,r_1,c_star):
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  for k in xrange(100):
    #print k,delta,' inv is:',tk,'\n'
    if delta<eps*0.01:
  return tk

def doplot(y,xlabel,ylabel): # for plotting 1D functions
  import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=0)
  #g('set multiplot')
  #g('set data style line')
  g('set data style linespoints')
  raw_input("click enter <--' ")

def twoplot1(y1,y2,xlabel,ylabel): # for plotting 1D functions
  import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=0)
  g('set multiplot')
  #g('set data style linespoints')
  g('set data style line')
  #g('set data style line1color blue')
  raw_input("click enter <--' ")

def twoplot(x,y1,y2,xlabel,ylabel,title,text1,text2): # for plotting 1D functions
  import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=0)
  g('set data style line')
  d1 = Gnuplot.Data(x, y1,
                   with='points 3 1')
  d2 = Gnuplot.Data(x, y2,
                   with='lines 1 1')
  raw_input("click enter <--' ")

def eigenplot(eigs,xlabel,ylabel,title,text): # for plotting 1D functions
  import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=0)
  g('set data style line')
  d = Gnuplot.Data(re,im,
                   with='points 3 1')
  raw_input("click enter <--' ")

def pstwoplot(x,y1,y2,xlabel,ylabel,title,text1,text2): # for plotting 1D functions
  import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=0)
  g('set data style line')
  d1 = Gnuplot.Data(x, y1,
                   with='points 3 1')
  d2 = Gnuplot.Data(x, y2,
                   with='lines 1 1')
  g.hardcopy('twoplot.ps', enhanced=1, color=1)

def plot3d(f,label): # for plotting 1D functions
  import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=0)
  x = arange(len(f[:,0]))
  y = arange(len(f[0,:]))
  g('set parametric')
  g('set data style lines')
  g('set hidden')
  g('set contour base')
  g.splot(Gnuplot.GridData(f,x,y, binary=0))
  raw_input("click enter <--' ")

#Main part starts here: ================================
def calculations(n_in,nn,m_in,m_0_in,m_1_in,rr):
  import os
  global n,m,m_0,m_1,ny,p4a,p4t,p4f,p4h,p4r,p4b,p0b
  r_0=rr # or 9
  r_1=rr # or 9
  #print 'c_star=',c_star
  #print 't=',t
  beta_j0=h*Calculate_D1_m(gamma_j0)/factorial(m) # (52) # can be replaced by h
                                                       #   in (0,1)...
                # beta_j0 must be positive!!
  #for i in range(10):
  #  print '%d beta_j0=%23.18e %23.18e'%(i,beta_j0[i],beta_j0[len(beta_j0)-i-1])
  # pdb.set_trace() # switch on debugger ################################
  print 'starting calculation of beta_ij...'
  print 'time for beta_ij:',time()-btim
  if size(wfii)>0:
    print 'overshoot where(fii>1.):',wfii
  #print 'a_ij=',a_ij
  #print 'b_ij=',b_ij
  #A=identity(nn)-tau_ij # (the case with known solution)
  A=50.0*identity(nn)-tau_ij # for testing with ny>0.6 we use multiplier to
                             #   avoid very bad systems with lots of neg.
                             #   eigenvalues...
  #plot3d(A,'matrix A')
  #### To see the eigenvalues of A:
  #print '1.0-eigs:',1.0-sort(real(eigs))
  #print 'eigs:',sort(real(eigs))
  #eigenplot(eigs,'i','eig(A)','Matrix A eigenvalues','eigenvalues ')
  if info[1]<>0:
    print '###### exit code:',info[1]
  #io.mmwrite is better:
  if not os.path.exists('tmp'):
  #print 'Norm of solution error:',sum(abs(cchk-bb))
  #doplot(abs(exact_sol_fii-xx),'t','sol differences')
  #doplot(abs(exact_sol_fii),'t','known sol(fii)')
  ##twoplot1(exact_sol_fii,xx,'s','known and calculated solution ')
  ###pstwoplot(t,exact_sol_fii,xx,'t_i','Functions','n='+str(n)+'     r_0=r_1='+str(rr),
  ###        'exact fii(u):','calculated v_n:')
  ##        'n='+str(n)+'r_0=r_1='+str(rr),\
  ##        'exact u(fii):','calculated v_n:')
  #twoplot(t[3*len(t)/4:],exact_sol_fii[3*len(t)/4:],xx[3*len(t)/4:],'s','known and calculated solution ')
  # Paragraph 4.4:
  #print 'xxx-u is:', xxx-exact_sol
  #        'n='+str(n)+' r_0=r_1='+str(rr),\
  #        'exact u:','calculated v_n:')
  #return (l2n_fii,maxn_fii,diffsums_fii,l2n,maxn,diffsums,totime,tim,nits)
  return (l2n_fii,maxn_fii,diffsums_fii,wn_fii,totime,tim,nits,fpn,fpnn)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  #Parameters: ------------------------------------------
  if m/2*2==m: # (10),(19):
    m_0=(m-2)/2 # m is even
    m_0=(m-1)/2 # m is odd
  p4a=0 # calculation of (fii,fii_prim,Acurly,beta_ij) in quadruple?
  p4t=0 # calculation of tau in quadruple?
  p4f=0 # calculation of fii,fii_prim in quadruple?
  p4h=0 # calculation of rHs in quadruple?
  p4r=0 # calculation of exact result in quadruple?
  p4b=1 # calculation of Delta_m_gamma_j_tilde in quadruple?
  #p4b=64 # >1                                   in p4b Decimal digits?
  p0b=1 # 0 -- set all the not-repeating beta_ij to zero!
  #for i in range(1):
  if m/2*2==m: # (10),(19):
    nn=n-1 # after (65) -- the dimension of the lin. system
  #for i in range(9):
  for i in range(tb1s,tb1e):
    if m/2*2==m: # (10),(19):
      nn=n-1 # after (65) -- the dimension of the lin. system
    for rr in range(tb2s,tb2e):
      print '===========> n =',n,'====> m (_0 _1)=',m,'(',m_0,m_1,')',' ====> rr =',rr,\
      ' <==============='
      print '--->                  Max diff. from known sol: %8.2e' % ans[1]
      #print '---> WeightedNorm of diff from known sol(fii): %9.3e' % ans[3]
      #print '---> FiiPrimNorm of diff from known sol(fii): %9.3e' % ans[7]
      print '---> FiiPrimNyNorm of diff from known sol(fii): %8.2e' % ans[8]
      #print '---> WeightedNorm of diff from known sol(fii): %23.18e' % ans[3]
      print '--->              Solve time (#it): %10.4e (%d)' % (ans[5],ans[6])
      print '--->                    Total time: %10.4e' % ans[4]
      #print '---> L2Norm of diff from known sol: %9.3e' % ans[0]
      #print '        (Sum of diffs): %9.3e' % ans[2]
  #    print '--->              Solve time (#it): %10.4e (%d)' % (ans[4],ans[5])
  #    print '--->                    Total time: %10.4e' % ans[3]
  plot3d(table1,'Max diff')