Ursula Plesner pidas Tartus loenguid teadusmeediast


Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu ja Tartu Ülikooli ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituudi kutsel pidas Ursula Plesner (PhD in science communication, Roskilde University, Denmark) TeaMe programmi raames kaks avalikku loengut Tartus Barclay hotelli konverentsisaalis.

26. mail toimus loeng "Teaduse roll ühiskonnas" ja 27. mail toimus loeng "Teadlased ja ajakirjanikud - problemaatiline suhe?" Loengud toimusid inglise keeles ning nende salvestisi on võimalik vaadata allpool. Tegemist oli sissejuhatavate loengutega teadusmeediasse.

"The Role of Science in Society"

In the first talk, I will ‘open up’ the concept of science. I will argue that science is mixed up with society, not an institution separate from society. Likewise, scientists do not make up a species which is radically different from other actors, but make use of the same argumentative resources and engage in quite mundane activities. Science and scientists may sometimes be difficult to understand, but their influence on and interactions with other elements of society are so important that we have to try to understand what they do, and how their activities are interwoven with society. In this respect, the mass media play a crucial role in reporting on, questioning, and discussing the fact-making of science, and the conditions of this knowledge production.Ursula Plesner "The Role of Science in Society"

"Scientists and journalists – a troubled relationship? "
In the second talk, I will focus on the interactions between scientists and journalists. They are often said to have very conflicting agendas – when scientists communicate, what comes out of it is abstract, slow, and complex, and what journalists want are concrete stories, in a high tempo, which are simple to understand. Some journalists complain that researchers do not understand the logic of the media, and some researchers complain that media logic dominates all other logics. However, if we do not accept that scientists and journalists are totally different species, which possibilities for interaction open up? We may begin to focus on the establishment of long-lasting source relationships, on the inversion of roles (as when researchers popularize their work, and journalists find researchers too colorful), and on all the instances where ‘media logic’ does not dominate their relationship.

Lisainfo: Elis Vengerfeldt, tel +372 52 13 083, e-post elis.vengerfeldt@err


Mehis Tuisk
Tartu Ülikooli pressiesindaja
tel +372 737 5683
mob +372 581 04 946
e-post: mehis.tuisk@ut.ee