University of Tartu invites students to Teaching and Learning Conference in Ghent

On 18 and 19 November, the first ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference takes place in Ghent, Belgium, focusing on peer learning at the university. The University of Tartu offers five students the opportunity to attend the conference free of charge.

The topics of the conference “Learning from and with each other — peer learning across all levels of the university” will be challenge-based teaching, general and global skills, inclusive and green mobility and flexible learning, interaction with local stakeholders and quality assurance in education.

Check out the conference programme on the ENLIGHT website.

Students can register for the conference until 7 October by writing an email to Write a few sentences about why you want to attend the conference and indicate your curriculum. Five participants to the conference will be announced on 8 October.

The University of Tartu covers the travel and accommodation expenses of the five chosen participating students.

Further information: Tiina Jaksman, ENLIGHT Project Manager at the University of Tartu, 737 6167,